MRC_LAMP (2014)
Does lithium block the effects of amphetamines?
The theory
Lithium is used to treat mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder, improving the symptoms of mania. We think this may be due to it blocking the actions of certain brain chemicals, notably dopamine.
Amphetamines reproduce some of the features of mania by boosting brain dopamine levels. They can therefore be used as a model of bipolar disorder in otherwise healthy subjects.
The experiment
Volunteers had a brain scan whilst being given a dose of methamphetamine, creating and investigating a mental state similar to mania. Subjects then took a course of either lithium or dummy 'sugar pills' before returning for a second dose of methamphetamine, again during a scan. We analysed the scans taken before and after each of the drugs given to look at which parts of their brains were affected by amphetamines and whether lithium altered these effects.
The results
We are preparing the findings for publication. Watch this space for news on this!
MRC_LITE (2013)
Does lithium affect brain structure?
The problem
Lithium appears to increase the size of the brain even after a short course. Specifically, the amount of grey matter seems to increase. How can this be?
The theories
Some argue that lithium helps the brain cells recover from the damage caused by illness. Others think that lithium simply increases the amount of water in the brain. We prefer the third path.
Our ideas
We suspect that lithium does not physically alter the size of the brain, rather it may change the behaviour of water in the tissues. This in turn alters the signal detected during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans to create the illusion of a change in size.
The experiment
Standard brain scans were performed before and after lithium treatment, together with more advanced image collection techniques.
The results
There were brain MRI differences before and after lithium. This was likely due to a change in the MRI signal being produced rather than an actual increase in brain volume, thus supporting our initial ideas.
To read about the study in much greater detail, view the full research paper.
MRC_LISP (2011)
Where does all the lithium go?
The problem
When we give a dose of lithium, we don't know how much of it gets into the brain. Strange but true.
The solution
We could remove bits of the brain and measure lithium concentration directly, but that would be a bit messy. Instead, we re-tuned our MR scanner so that it could be used to detect lithium. Simple, though not easy.
Our developments
We can now detect lithium using our MR scanner and a home-made radiowave transceiver. The technique is safe and quick and we are one of only a few centres in the world who can measure lithium in this way. We are constantly working on improvements and developments – for starters, we ordered some posh equipment not made in a shed!
The experiment
Volunteers were asked to take lithium for about a week before having a brain scan. During the brain scan we tuned into the behaviour of lithium in a magnetic field.
The results
The concentration of lithium in the brain was about 80% of that in the blood. The study did not reveal any significant differences in lithium concentrations in different regions of the brain. So, we know how much lithium arrives in the brain but we can't give you a specific destination... yet!
To read about the study in much greater detail, view the full research paper.
Effect of Lithium on Proton Longitudinal Relaxation (2019)
The background
Proton longitudinal relaxation (T1) is the time taken for spinning protons to realign with the external magnetic field. This is effectively what happens during an MRI scan! There is some evidence to suggest that corticial T1 is higher in individuals with bipolar disorder, and that lithium reduces this.
What's missing?
Cortical T1 had not yet been measured in separate groups containing lithium treated patients, lithium-naiive patients (new to lithium) and healthy controls.
The experiment
MRI scans were taken of individuals with bipolar disorder recieving lithium, indiviudals with bipolar disorder naiive to lithium, and individuals without bipolar disorder. T1 was compared in various different areas of the brain.
The results
There were no signiciant differences found between the two groups with bipolar. But, individuals with bipolar had a higher mean T1 than the healthy controls in several brain regions. We think this may mean that there is abnormal tissue structure in the brains of indviduals with bipolar, possibly to do with iron content, water content and other factors. However, the precise mechanism remains unknown...for now!
To read about the study in much greater detail, view the full research paper.
White matter microstructural properties in bipolar disorder in relationship to the spatial distribution of lithium in the brain (2019)
The facts
Lithium treatment is associated with an increase in MRI derived measures of white matter integrity.
The problem
The relationship between the spatial distribution of lithium and white matter integrity is unknown.
The experiment
People with bipolar disorder receiving lithium and people with bioolar disorder on different medications underwent diffusion tensor imaging (DTI - an MRI technology that allows us to measure the microstructural integrity of white fiber tracts).
The results
Lithium-treated individuals with bipolar and healthy control group had a higher Generalised fractional anistrophy (gFA) y than those with bipolar being treated with different medications.This suggests long-term lithium use is associated with greater white matter integrity. We also showed a postive relationship between white mayyer gFA and the spatial distribution of lithium.
To read about the study in much greater detail, view the full research paper
3D 7Li magnetic resonance imaging of brain lithium distribution in bipolar disorder (2018)
The background
Lithium can be detected by magnetic resonance (MR)
The problem
Using MR to detect lithium can be fiddly, because the lithium nucleus is only in a low concentration in the brain tissue.
The solution
We tested and implemented a highly efficient method to measure brain lithium concentration
(3D 7Li-MRI), so brain lithium concentration of people with bipolar can be measured more accurately.
To read about the study in much greater detail, view the full research paper
Imaging the distribution and effects of lithium in the brain in bipolar disorder (2018)
The background
Lithium is thought to improve white matter ingtegrity in bipolar disorder (see previous research!)
To read about the study in much greater detail, view the full research paper.
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