The problem
Lithium appears to increase the size of the brain even after a short course. Specifically, the amount of grey matter seems to increase. We don't know why.
The theories
Some argue that lithium helps the brain cells recover from the damage caused by illness. Others think that lithium simply increases the amount of water in the brain.
Our ideas
We suspect that lithium does not physically alter the size of the brain, so don't worry it shouldn't give you a headache! Rather it may change the behaviour of water in the tissues. This in turn alters the signal detected in during the brain scan and creates the illusion of a change in size.
The experient
We will perform standard brain scans before and after lithium treatment, together with more advanced image collection techniques.
The logistics
- a screening visit (30 minutes and can be done on scan day 1)
- scan 1 (brain structure only: 30 minutes)
- treatment with lithium for about 1 week
- scan 2 (brain structure and possibly lithium levels: 60 minutes)
- a blood test during screening and the second scan day
Will you get paid?
Not as such. Direct payment is a poor incentive to enroll, but we do reimburse you for the time you spend in the study. We will also show you the images of your brain and can greate a copy in the following formats:
a glossy photo print out
a desktop background image
an animated .gif of your brain for PC or mobile phone
Who are we looking for?
Aged 18-45
No psychiatric illnesses
No serious medical illnesses
Can you help?
If you are willing to get involved, you should:
Read the information sheet
Contact us to discuss details in person