The theory
Lithium is used to treat mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder, improving the symptoms of mania. We think this may be due to it blocking the actions of cetain brain chemicals.
Amphetamines can reproduce some features of mania, and can be used as a model of bipolar disorder in otherwise healthy subjects.
The experiment
We are using a scanner to look at which parts of the brain are affected by amphetamines and whether lithium alters these.
What it involves
- a screening visit (about 2 hours) with one blood test
- scan 1 (before and after methamphetamine: full day)
- treatment with lithium or dummy tablets for 1-2 weeks
- scan 2 (repeating methamphetamine: full day)
- blood samples on scan days (taken from a 'line' in your arm)
Will you get paid?
Not as such. Direct payment is a poor incentive to enroll, but we do reimburse you for the time you spend in the study. We will also show you the images of your brain and can greate a copy in the following formats:
a glossy photo print out
a desktop background image
an animated .gif of your brain for PC or mobile phone
Who are we looking for?
Aged 18-45
No psychiatric illnesses
No medical illnesses
Never taken amphetamines before
Can you help?
If you are willing to get involved, you should:
Read the information sheet
Contact us to discuss details in person